Why We Should Make Resolutions in October

I’m not sure how many of you make New Year’s Resolutions, but if you do, here’s an interesting approach.

I think the perfect time to make New Year’s Resolutions is October, think about, you are starting a second month of changes. Perhaps you are a parent and you have children that attend school. You might not have had a perfect month of smooth sailing, because perhaps the children weren’t ready to go back to school from their summer vacation. But now that they have a month of getting into the swing of things, they are able to make improvements.

Another reason why October is the perfect month to start resolutions, is that sometimes January is too daunting, or too much pressure to start anything new. Most people believe that starting to make changes in January, becomes too pressurized. It’s almost like the time where you buy yourself this cool journal, and you are too nervous to use it because you are scared to make a mistake in it.

Another reason why October is the perfect time to make resolutions is that more likely, whichever country you are in, you are in the transition of welcoming another season. I’m not sure, but a lot of people do seasonally chores, so your house is already freshened up, so will you. The end of the previous season is the beginning of a new season.

These are my reasons as to why I think October is the ideal time to make resolutions instead of waiting until January.

I would love to hear from you! If you make any resolutions, what do you normally like to change? And did I convince you to make New Year’s Resolutions in October?

8 thoughts on “Why We Should Make Resolutions in October

  1. karlien09 says:

    I had the exact same idea yesterday, I see it as a sign to write down my resolutions for next year and start working on them now to get into a routine.

    Thanks for sharing. It was much needed❀

    Liked by 1 person

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