London Fog Latte

My boyfriend bought us a London Fog Latte. It is my favourite hot beverage! It’s Earl Grey tea with vanilla, lavender and steamed milk.

I loved it as always!

Letting Go of Worry

I was catching up on my daily affirmation book and I haven’t read it in a few weeks. The book I am reading is The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie. At the moment it is a very relatable book.

I reread my favourite passage which is about Letting Go of Worry. I tend to worry over a lot of things anything from big and small. It is something that I am working on.

To summarize it, it talks about letting go of things and our troubles, saying that whatever happens to us and to the people in our lives that it is supposed to happen and it is shaping us in to the people that we were intended to be. Everything that happens, happens for a reason.

Today, I will know that I don’t have to worry about anything. If I do worry, I will do it with the understanding that I am choosing to worry and it is not necessary.
– Melody Beattie

Chicken Wrap

The other day my sister made my cousin and myself lunch. She made chicken strips and we put them in a wrap with mayo and chipotle sauce. I added some Parmesan cheese to the top.

It was delicious!

Expressing Gratitude

Earlier today I dropped my sweater at a mall which was fairly busy. I was shopping for my boyfriend’s birthday which was last minute. I’m slowly working on that.

Anyway my boyfriend was running his errands whilst I was shopping for his present.

When I was two thirds done I realized that I dropped my absolute favourite sweater! I messaged my boyfriend and I went to my last store that I needed to go and then I met up with him. At the time he didn’t read his message because he was trying on clothes.

He saw me all sad since I was nearly in tears. I told him that I dropped my sweater. It was a sweater that he had gave me. After he purchased his clothes we retraced my steps and I asked one of the employees that works at one of the stores I went to and she handed my sweater. My face instantly lit up! I was soo happy!! I am so grateful that I was able to retrieve my sweater!

Today, I did many good deeds throughout the day and it certainly paid off. I will express my gratitude to all people that I am grateful for and return the favour.

White Hot Chocolate

Earlier I was catching up with a friend that I haven’t hung out with in forever.

I am so glad we did. We went to a local coffee shop and we each had a white hot chocolate to drink. It was delicious as always!

Pick Yourself Up


This is an on going battle with me. I am trying my best to do this. I have wasted my time, my energy and my tears over the wrong people in my life. I gave people way too many second chances. I let people walk over me because of my kindness and generosity.

Now I’m learning to not be that way, well at least go that extreme. I also lower my expectations to eliminate the heartache.

Today, I will pick myself up no matter what brought me down. I am the only person who can do this. No one else can.

Day 56

Hard to believe how fast time is passing by.

I feel like I set unrealistic goals for myself because I always feel dissatisfied with myself whenever I don’t reach goals.

It was a really stressful week but things are a bit better now.

This Week’s Goals
1. Don’t waste time.
2. Set realistic goals