Happy Mardi Gras!

Hey everyone! Happy Mardi Gras! Today is the day where we celebrate by consuming pancakes! I love eating pancakes. I’m going to be having pancakes for dinner tonight. I cannot wait! It is also a day where you wear purple, gold, and green. Whereas purple represents justice, gold represents power, and green represents faith.

Mardi Gras translates into Fat Tuesday, because it’s a day where people use up their ingredients such as milk, eggs, flour, and sugars since most people will be fasting starting tomorrow until Easter for Lent. I don’t partake in this, because that was how I was raised. But I would love to go to New Orleans to see all of the celebrations. I have never been to New Orleans before, so I would love to visit.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day.

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! I hope everyone is having an amazing start to the year so far.

What to expect from me, Three Yellow Daisies AKA Julianne? Well, I am keeping everything the same, but for right now I am not going to be holding off on my daily decluttering mission for the time being. Instead I am going to be focusing on My Happiness Project. It’s where each month I focus on making small changes in my life in order to bring in more joy and happiness into my life. This month’s theme is ways to boost my energy. Although there is a topic about possessions coming up shortly, so that is where I will continue my decluttering journey. More on this shortly.

You are all welcome to partake in either My Happiness Project, or Gretchen Rubin’s book called The Happiness Project, or if you like you can make your own. It’s totally up to you.

If any point, you feel inspired, feel free to let me know, or you can spread joy, by telling a friend, or a family member about how this blog has helped you. I would love and appreciate that.

Even though the majority of us aren’t able to travel to new places, it doesn’t mean that we have to stay where we are. We can embrace new places, whether it’s getting promoted at work, or going to school, or talking a walk in a new neighbourhood. Staying where we are, doesn’t mean anything bad. It just means we have to embrace what we have. No storm lasts forever. Remember that. Instead embrace new beginnings and new opportunities.

Here’s to new beginnings, and hopefully a lot of happiness.

Christmas Traditions in Iceland

The one good thing about this whole pandemic is that because of the lockdown, my boyfriend and I don’t have to travel anywhere. I am not trying to sound rude, but I am trying to look at the positives of not being able to see my family over Christmas.

I will definitely be doing this with my boyfriend tomorrow. I have decided that I am going to read Christmas Sisters by Sarah Morgan.

Another fun fact is that the majority of all books that gets published in Iceland happen near Christmas time, so people can buy their books to read on Christmas Eve.

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all of my followers who are celebrating Thanksgiving this week, I hope you had a safe, but wonderful day. I know it must not have the one you were hoping to have, because maybe you had to it virtually, or other traditions couldn’t be done this year.

I love Thanksgiving so much, that I always make sure I have a delicious meal, because I also pretend it’s Thanksgiving (again!), I’m Canadian, so I had already celebrated it last month. I made myself a delicious bowl of soup. I like to partake by watching the football games, although I was sad, because my team (Pittsburgh Steelers) didn’t get to play since Baltimore had an outbreak of Covid-19. But hopefully they all make a recovery.

But it’s important to feel gratitude every day. I hope everyone was able to find something to be thankful for. This definitely has been a challenging for everyone.

Remember it is best to count your blessings, instead of your burdens.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since I live in Canada, it is my Thanksgiving weekend! Not many things happened this weekend. My boyfriend and I stayed in and had our own dinner. We made a roast last weekend, so this weekend we had Thai take out. It was a fun time. We did the same thing last year, so it’s starting to turn into our new thing. This time since we weren’t busy getting ready, we got to watch a lot of football.

Like any other day, we express our gratitude and think about what we are thankful for, but this weekend we are extra thankful. Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. Mostly because you get to express your gratitude, spend time with family and friends over delicious food. There’s no pressure of having to buy things for other people, like Christmas, or Easter, or any other holiday. The weather is perfect for sweater weather. I love wearing my cozy sweater. 🙂

It was nice to just relax and not have to do much of anything this weekend like we typically would have.

I hope everyone had a joyous weekend.

16 Things We Forget To Thank Our Moms For — Thought Catalog

1. All the times she had to double as best friend/counselor/therapist/costume designer/hair stylist/coach/all-around-solver-of-every-problem-ever. I remain unconvinced that moms aren’t actually superheroes in disguise. 2. Forgiving us when we forget to call. 3. Listening to all our pointless dramas when we do remember. 4. Being the kind of person that we actually do want to become…

via 16 Things We Forget To Thank Our Moms For — Thought Catalog