One Thing – Making Resolutions

Every month I begin making resolutions that I plan to achieve for that month. I thought long and hard of what I would like to accomplish.

I worked out a morning routine that consists of stretching, mediating, eating breakfast and reading. I am striving towards being more organized. I am also working on de-cluttering my house.

I am planning on saving more money for school, my future house (several of years from now) and other things for my future.

One Thing – Saving Money

As of lately I have been worrying about my future and about how I will be able to afford it. I’ve been striving to save as much money as I can. I have a lot of plans for my future such as school, buying a house (like six or so years from now) and starting a family.

I have been trying to cut back on unnecessary shopping trips and other unnecessary purchases. I also transfer money into my savings at the end of the month and then I put five percent of my pay into my savings.

It’s not much but it’s a start.

One Thing – Running

This wasn’t intentional but I woke up later than I was supposed to. I told myself that if I got up now I would have enough time to catch my bus. In order to do so I had to run to the bus stop.

I got ready in a hurry but good thing that I packed my bag so I grabbed my shirt (that I mentally planned to wear), got changed and ran (literally) out of the door and continued running to the stop.

Fortunately I got there a minute before the bus was to depart but it didn’t matter since the bus was four minutes late.

One Thing – Morning and Evening Stretch

I always used to stretch in the morning but then I was either too tired or always on the go and couldn’t find time to stretch. But today I made sure to stretch before I ate my breakfast.

I’m quite proud of myself. As soon as I finish reorganizing my closet I will be sure to make my yoga mat more accessible. Colder weather will be on its way soon so I wouldn’t be able to do much exercise outdoors for awhile.I’m trying to make myself more flexible for different yoga poses which is something I will be doing during the winter months.

One Thing – A To-Do List

Tomorrow is a day where I get to chill and reorganize my life. As of lately I have been on the go and haven’t been putting my priorities first. I’m really excited to focus on my room and house. I finally get the chance to catch up with the cleaning. Especially since the weekend is approaching which means I get to spend quality time with my boyfriend. ❤

I prepared a to-do list with everything I wish to complete. I will remain focus to improving myself which I am really excited about.