January Resolutions 2021

This is the first chapter of my My Happiness Project. It is where I discuss small habits that can add so much value and happiness in my every day life. I was inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project. Every month, I focus on a new aspect of my life. This month’s theme is Boosting Energy. Every first day of the month, I will write about my resolutions, and why I think they will help. On the last day I will report back on how I did, and if it actually helped me increase my happiness. To see all of the other upcoming months, check them out here,


My Resolutions

  1. Get more sleep
  2. Exercise More
  3. Organize
  4. Tackle a nagging task

Get More Sleep

The past few years, we have been known to work more hours, more than ever before. Working longer at work can negatively impact our happiness, because we often have less time for the things that matter to us, like our relationships, hobbies, and properly taking care of ourselves. I know that everyone is in a different situation than others, so I can understand where you are coming from if some nights may be more difficult than other nights. I just wished there was a way that we didn’t have to put our bodies through so much.

So because we are working a lot more than we have compared to the previous decades, we need to take proper care of our bodies. And one way to do that is ensure that we are getting enough sleep each night. Some nights may be more challenging than others, but it is still important to try.

Our adult bodies should be getting at least 7.5 hours, although some people say that they can function on less, others need more. Perhaps it takes you awhile to fall asleep. Here are my tips for you!

  1. If you can, refrain yourself from screens (phone, TV) at least one hour before bed
  2. Drink sleepy time tea
  3. Write in a journal (your thoughts, some chores and errands for the next day)
  4. Read a book (preferably one that doesn’t deal with stressful topics like money, business, cookbooks, these just don’t seem like they would be helpful before bed)

My plan is to create an evening and morning routine to help me with this transtition.

Exercise More

I plan on taking more walks in my neighbourhood. My goal is to walk at least 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes every day. I will start off small, and increase the more I walk. I’m really excited for these new changes in my life. I might even download some Tedtalks, and or some audiobooks for my walks.

I will try to make healthier dietary choices as well. I will limit my intake on take out, sugary foods, and drinks.


Because I have already gotten rid of some things already, it is time to work on organizing things around my room again. This time is a bit different, because I am enforce my boyfriend to do the one minute rule, which is if takes less than one minute to do, you can’t postpone from the task at hand. Some of these things include hanging up a sweater, or a coat when you come in from outside. Put something back where it belongs. “Do what ought to be done.” – Gretchen Rubin.

Tackle a Nagging Task

Like Gretchen Rubin says in her book, having a long to-do list drains energy, we should slowly work on tackling tasks that we continue to push off, and not do. We probably waste more energy and thought process on ways to avoid this task than if we did this actual task itself.


I cannot wait to get started in this journey. I will keep track of my tasks using a check list. I’m really excited! If anyone else is wanting to partake in this journey, please keep me updated. I would love to see other posts.

19 thoughts on “January Resolutions 2021

  1. Lana Teramae says:

    Shoot, I’ve only been getting seven hours recently because I can’t break my sleep schedule of getting up at 8:00am or before 9:00am. Eversince I’ve been taking the bus to school (I don’t take the bus anymore due to online school), I had to get up around 5:00am to get ready in time and I’ve had a habit of waking up early, no matter how late I go to bed. I’ve heard it helps not to look at a screen before going to bed, perhaps I should try that, thanks! Good luck to you as you begin your Happiness Project for January!

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3yellowdaisies says:

      Well, I think it’s good to get 7.5 hours, because that is a five completed REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycles of sleep. Each REM cycle is 90 minutes. It’s best to finish each cycle. But if seven hours has been working for you, than that’s okay, too.

      Sometimes it’s better to keep doing things that you’re comfortable with.

      If you must look at a screen before bed, try turning down the brightness, or even use the blue light filter. It’s also better for your eyes, as it puts less of a strain on them.

      And thank you for your support.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lana Teramae says:

        Oh no I wish I could get more than 7 hours, I just need to break my sleep schedule. Perhaps I should change my night time routine to do something that doesn’t require looking at my phone or laptop an hour before going to bed (or more than that). I could listen a CD in replacement of youtube!

        No problem! Have a lovely rest of your day!

        Liked by 1 person

      • 3yellowdaisies says:

        That’s awesome. Another way to help you get more sleep, is try going to bed say 5 minutes earlier one day, keep that up for a week, or a couple of days, then go to bed another five minutes earlier, and keep on going until you go to bed a half hour earlier than what you used to go. That might help, as well,

        But yes, there are a lot of YouTube relaxing music, like meditation, or just soft, relaxing music to fall asleep to.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lana Teramae says:

        Oh 5 minutes earlier, then go to bed another five minutes earlier a day or week later. As long as it’s consistent? Oh that’s a good idea, never thought of that thanks!

        True! I might need to cut down on youtube overall lol! Or break it down in increments.

        Liked by 1 person

      • 3yellowdaisies says:

        Yeah, because 5 minutes isn’t a big difference, so it will make it easier on you to fall asleep. It isn’t a drastic step in your sleeping routine, so it shouldn’t be too challenging. I hope that helps. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Panda says:

    Great resolutions. I’m going to try and refrain my screen usage before bed time too. These days I fall asleep while binging on YouTube videos. 🙈 Exercise more is always there on my list too. 😊
    Wishing you luck with your resolutions. Happy new year. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3yellowdaisies says:

      Yes, I am definitely going to try to go for more walks. And exercising is helpful for your studies, it helps you destress in a healthy manner, and it can help improve your cognitive thinking. Even if you dedicate 15-20 minutes every day, or even just three times a week.

      What are you studying?


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