Thankful Thursdays #16

Hey everyone! I cannot believe that I have been writing Thankful Thursdays for the past four months, now. It is crazy for how fast time is flying by.

Every week I spend time reflecting on what I am thankful for. Feel free to partake in the comments, if you like.

  1. Since it was our Thanksgiving weekend, my boyfriend was off on Monday, so we had an extra day to relax together. That is always fun!
  2. My boyfriend also bought me a new mop, it works a lot better than our other mop.
  3. Yesterday my boyfriend and I tried a new ice cream flavour we haven’t tried before. We tied a peach flavoured ice cream. It was so good.
  4. Having a midnight snack with my boyfriend this morning. That was a lot of fun.
  5. Using my local library to put books from To Be Read List on hold. I’m super excited to start going through all of those books.

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